

Food production needs to double by 2050 while it is responsible for 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions. So how do we do that a net-zero impact on the planet? The challenge is that in some area’s soils are 90% degraded, water tables are dropping, and weather is becoming highly unpredictable. Fuel and fertilizer prices have almost doubled over the last few months, leaving farmers behind with a huge financial burden.

Agros believes in a world in which farmers continue to feed our planet in a sustainable and profitable way. The company is revolutionizing agriculture across Asia, giving famers the technologies, advisory services and financing they need to transition to profitable and climate-smart farming. The vision is to double the profits of thousands of farmers while abating millions of greenhouse gas emissions.

Agros leverages the power of nature to improve farmers’ livelihoods and climate resilience, season after season. They are Asia’s first Sustainable Agriculture Ecosystem - Technology, Advisory and Finance - tohelp crop farmers be profitable and climate-smart in the long term. The ecosystem allows farmers toreduce input costs, restore soil health and increase productivity. Adoption, longevity, and affordability is guaranteed by their hybrid distribution approach and flexible financing solutions.

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