Dat Bike

Dat Bike

Dat Bike is a Vietnamese startup with ambitions to become the top electric motorbike company in Southeast Asia.

The company’s mission is to convert all gasoline-powered motorbikes in Vietnam and SEA to electric. In fact, not everything on the current electric offerings is the same as what people are used to on their gas bikes. It is Dat Bike’s job to reduce this gap.

Dat Bike is implementing a vertical integration system to make things better, cheaper and faster. One of the major reasons why it's hard to make high performance electrics is because the industry relies on third-party, imported electric drivetrain and parts. With this system, Dat Bike achieved the lowest cost vs performance ratio in the industry.

On the other hand, there is something that could propel Dat Bike even further, surpassing all bike manufacturers out there: better experience. It’s 2022 and no one buys just physical products anymore. People are buying the experience of owning and using the product.  

As the name suggests, Dat Bike’s newest bike Weaver 200 provides 200km of range, and power of 6kW. The bike is also equipped with a fast charging feature so the first 100km can be charged in just 1 hour, with the total charge time being 3 hours.  

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