

GrowSari is a tech-enabled B2B platform that helps the Philippines’ over one million sari-sari stores and other retail outlets (e.g. canteens, market stalls) get better service level, assortment, and access to new services, outfitting them with both the infrastructure and tools they need to transform themselves from simple FMCG outlets to comprehensive service hubs for their communities.

GrowSari started in 2016 as an ordering platform servicing sari-sari stores across three cities. Today, GrowSari powers the management, growth, and analytics infrastructure of these outlets across 100 municipalities and continues expanding.  In addition to providing affordable, on-demand inventory as well as working capital loans, GrowSari’s platform also generates crucial data & insights into the operations of these stores for manufacturers and distributors to build their strategies and campaigns upon. GrowSari has also integrated multiple microservices such as telco load, bills pay, e-commerce, wi-fi, and other e-services thereby allowing store owners to maximize their capital in one wallet and easily expand their businesses.

The GrowSari leadership team is composed of young and dynamic industry leaders who built their expertise from working with global corporations and consultancies such P&G, Unilever, J&J, and BCG as well as Uber, Globe Telecom, and GCash.

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