Become a Partner
at our events

Being a Wild Digital partner will give your corporation high visibility and recognition at this important technology industry event. Meet and gain preferential access to pre-eminent Chief Executives, Entrepreneurs and Investors whilst showcasing your company to our elite attendees.


SEA is the New Global Stage

Unprecedented access to the best of the best of Southeast Asia's entrepreneur and investor community, including worldwide reach to an ever-expanding international audience.


Engage Directly With the Audience

Networking lunch, breakout rooms, roundtable sessions, afterparty—there are numerous ways you can have a closer, more direct interaction with our attendees and spotlight your brand. Find one that suits you the best!


Passes for Your Team or Network

Gain complimentary passes for your team, clients, friends, or even your wider community.


Market Your Brand

Prominent feature of your brand in all online marketing materials (including our social media channels, ie: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter), as our partner. Other channels include our posters, website, newsletter, virtual event platform and more.


Lead Generation

Capture leads via attendees engagement activities, partner booths, networking lounges and more.

Become a Partner

Be part of the most important event in the digital industry and showcase your company to our most elite and influential audiences. Speak to one of our team to find out how we can collaborate for our conferences!

become a partner
WD SEA 2017 - Patrick taking the stage