Co-Founder & COO

Budi is the Co-Founder of Shipper, an innovative tech start-up that transforms Indonesian shipping and fulfilment experience to be easier and more convenient. With 12 years of entrepreneurship experience,Budi offers a world class ability to capture market needs, looking for exciting new opportunities, and create a laser-cut technology solutions of the needs.

Prior to founding Shipper back in 2017, Budi has founded several tech start-ups.In 2011, He created OCash, a virtual currency system in Australia to help the payment system for Australian gamers. Ocash outstanding business performance is very attractive to bigger business that it’s finally acquired by MOL Malaysia. Budi led this acquisition process and acted as MOL Australia Director afterwards. |

Budi, born and raised in Singkawang Indonesia, holds a master’s degree in information and communication technology and a bachelor’s degree in computer science from University of Wollongong. Both with High Distinction honours.

Driven by the spirit of innovation, Budi envision Shipper to ease Indonesian pain points towards shipping and fulfilment process and to create the best logistic experience for customers.


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