
GMT +8

DEFI-NING THE FUTURE OF FINANCE (feat: Algorand Foundation, Amber Group, Abra & Luno)

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Decentralised Finance (DeFi) has been a hot button topic in recent times. Having seemingly emerged from the shadows of obscurity, it has since spawned some of the hottest investment buzzwords in the finance world. These new entrants promise pundits an ever increasing array of new investment opportunities/alternatives that fly in the face of everything that centuries old financial institutions have worked so hard to establish. Should we be wary or grab the proverbial bull by the horns? Are these investment opportunities sustainable or are they just a risky trend?Join in as our leading FinTech experts decrypt and shed light on some of the intricacies surrounding the DeFi landscape. Whether you are already a savvy investor or just curious to know more, this session promises something for everyone.

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