WILD3 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


3:55 pm

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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NFT’s astonishing success has inadvertently increased its demand and brought tons of attention to this space, and the crypto industry at large. Different types of players—both in traditional businesses as well as in the crypto space—are trying to compete for the opportunity to provide users with more user-friendly and convenient experience when it comes to transacting with NFTs.

As NFTs becomes more mainstream, this gives rise to the questions and discussions pertaining to how sustainable are NFTs and is it truly a digital asset that is worth investing in for both businesses and individuals alike; as well as addressing copyrights, authenticity, and quality issues.

Join us this session, to hear our speakers share their thoughts and views on the evolution of economies, the value of adopting such new changes and more.

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