WILD3 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


2:45 pm

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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It was estimated that about USD 33 billion was poured into blockchain and crypto startups in 2021 by VCs and preliminary data are indicating that there are now over 500 venture firms within this space—a reflection that there is a maturation occurring.

While big bets are being placed no only on unicorns-to-be but on companies whose growth will expand this ecosystem, there are questions arising within the communities in this space:

Are VCs and their heavy involvement in crypto undermining the language of democratization that is central to the industry’s ethos?

In this session, we would like to hear from the investors as well as get an insight into the general reaction from start-ups within this space, and most importantly what are the upcoming and foreseeable changes in this landscape that we can expect to see in 2022.

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