WILD3 2022

Day 1

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


10:05 am

GMT +8


Fireside Chat

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Metaverse. Web3. Blockchain. Cryptocurrency. 2022 is almost a quarter in but the hype surrounding these terms only seem to intensify. This never-abating conversation seems to stretch across conflicting ideas, competing opinions of what it is, what it could be, what it will be and what it isn’t. Is speculation driving hype and hype is driving more speculation?

There is not one technology underpinning the aforementioned topics, but with big tech being bullish on the Metaverse, Web3 and all that it covers, the question remains—what is it actually and what are the new strategies for integration?

Catcha Group's Patrick Grove, sits with Yat Siu of Animoca Brands—one of the giants of Web3 today—as they dive into a candid exchange on the experiences of being forerunners who were ahead of their time, navigating the virtual winds of change and the virtual landscape that lies ahead.

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