Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


10:10 am

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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We are living in a digital first world where the growth and innovation of digital transformation have dramatically accelerated as companies adapt to an all-digital customer. According to Salesforce’s latest research of State of Connected Customer report, 73% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations. We hear the term customer-first or customer-centric experience gets thrown around a lot. How can it help businesses build effective strategies to meet rising customer expectations, differentiate from competitors and scale their business to generate revenue in this fast-changing customer engagement landscape?

Putting the customer at the center of everything you do is a key part of digital transformation and success. Unifying your data is the first step towards that—but being able to organize it all is often challenging. In this panel discussion, notable industry leaders will discuss ways on deepening customer relationships, how to win more deals as a team, steps to boost productivity and scale growing businesses in one unified 360 view. Don't miss out this session if you want to be the next game-changer and stay competitive.

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