Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 1

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


11:30 am

GMT +8


Fireside Chat

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Innovative technology enables creative business models and products by easing the mechanics of data exchange among and between organisations—all while maintaining the veil of privacy.  Businesses can now collaborate with "challengers" within a market sector to achieve similar objectives such as creating deeper consumer insights or spotting data breach tendencies across an entire sector.

As the data-sharing trend continues, more firms will participate in data collaboration to address common difficulties and explore mutually advantageous revenue, operational, and research possibilities. Let’s explore the technologies and practices on how monetising seamless data collaboration offers competitive advantages to scale businesses.

Join our industry experts and unveil techniques to minimise data silos while sharing database items from one or more databases, while working collaboratively with third-party partners to gain profitable synergies. The session will also discuss ways to use aggregated data and securely achieve common goals that will enhance customer satisfaction and explore best practises on how to sustain the control of the data governance and utilisation while in the possession of others.

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