Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


11:30 am

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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Globally, roll-up companies have raised at least US$7 billion this year so far,  according to Marketplace Pulse. Ecommerce aggregators have been the “talk of  the town” since 2020 and Asia is now catching on to the hype. With the excitement and activity surrounding e-commerce roll-up in SEA,  regional players like Society Pass, Una Brands and Rainforest are taking on strategic acquisition and becoming conglomerates in this digital ecommerce space. The forced shift of retailers moving to online marketplaces due to COVID-19  has created an even more competitive online shopping landscape, and some struggle to cope with the growing demands.    

As such, under a "single umbrella" platform, the aggregators offer better synergies and bigger economies of scale. We will be sitting with leaders of this space as they share their strategies in maintaining industry dominance in SEA as well as some insight on how one can gear up to exit.  

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