Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


4:20 pm

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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The rise of the metaverse is an exciting yet complex development—providing solutions that impact us in our day-to-day within this new digital world, like improving virtual meetings or addressing cybersecurity issues. The metaverse opportunities in Southeast Asia show that this sector will continue evolving and thriving in the coming years.

This session will shed light on how Southeast Asia is experiencing a surge in GameFi with entrepreneurs benefitting from financing, developing new games and establishing novel revenue streams. Hear from our panel of experts who will be sharing their thoughts and observations on some of the regulations that can be put into place to cope with such challenges, what should be considered a crime in the Metaverse, and the evolving opportunities and challenges that the Web3 gaming metaverse will be looking at.

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