Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


5:10 pm

GMT +8


Fireside Chat

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Jaeson Ma is celebrated as one of the most prominent Asian media moguls – a serial entrepreneur, media executive, artist and investor. He is the Founder of East West Ventures, Co-Founder of 88rising and Stampede Ventures, as well as the Principal of Triller.

The pandemic created new opportunities for businesses and creators to embrace digital transformation, adopt new strategies and look towards expansion.

In this session, Jaeson will share his top three tips with entrepreneurs/dreamers on how to maximise their chance of success in this arena. Discover how to invests in disruptive opportunities across diverse sectors, and what is the future for the entertainment paradigm with Web3, NFTs and Metaverse. Let’s explore the notable changes seen in the ecosystem.

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