Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


12:20 pm

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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Since 2020, the world’s purchasing behaviour drastically shifted online. Today, there are over 440 million people online in Southeast Asia, of which 80% have made an online purchase at least once, according to a report by Google, Temasek Holdings and Bain & Company.

With the acceleration of e-commerce adoption and catering to the consumers’ demand for instant gratification, players like HappyFresh, Foodpanda and Astro are adapting to meet the needs for food and groceries to be delivered as fast as possible.

Dive into this session with us as our fellow panellists shed light on the future for this newer, faster form of q-commerce, the challenges currently faced, their efforts to overcome them in the face of growing demands, and how they anticipate a to deal with this new-fangled demand for lightning-speed deliveries.

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