Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 2

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


2:00 pm

GMT +8


Fireside Chat

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It comes as no surprise that entrepreneurs are taking advantage of new opportunities and capabilities in today’s digital age. Southeast Asian economies are steadily transforming, and start-ups can scale and become global brands at a speed that would have been impossible in the pre-digital era.

With the evolving economic and digital transformation, global investors are paying close attention to the region’s tech ecosystems and are investing heavily in them. The question for investors has moved from the decision about investing in Asia to how best to uncover the winners of the future. Are investors still bullish about this region after all these years? Have they not harvested all the Alphas by now?

Join this session to grasp the context and the dynamics of underlying trends of respective industries in the region and how they impact the rest of the world. Find out what are some compelling opportunities for discerning investors?

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