Wild Digital Southeast Asia 2022

Day 1

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


10:55 am

GMT +8


Panel Discussion

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90% of startups fail.

While it’s a cold and bleak truth, it’s a global issue andthere are a number of reasons why this happens. Start-up’s generally lack thestructured support, resource and programmes that keeps them going. Close to home, Malaysia has its fair share of start-up related challenges.

So, what are the plans to support the Malaysian start-up scene, and what initiatives are needed to make it work? How can existing ecosystem builders contribute to make the environment more substantial and sustainable?

In this panel, we gather industry leaders from the start-up ecosystem and local start-up founders to discuss key factors impacting the start-up scene; from the challenges that they face to the future efforts that aims to address them.

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This session is sponsored by
Cradle Fund

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